| 1. | Export of goods and services 货物及服务出口 |
| 2. | Net exports of goods and services , consisting of the amount of exports minus the amount of imports 商品和劳务的净出口:指减除进口量的出口量。 |
| 3. | Exports of goods and services grew at the highest rate in four years , and domestic consumption continued to recover 商品出口及服务输出录得4年来最大的升幅,本地消费持续回升。 |
| 4. | Exports of goods and services enjoyed remarkable growth ; fixed asset investment rose further and consumer spending continued to rise 商品出口及服务输出增幅可观,固定资产投资进一步上升,消费持续增加。 |
| 5. | A key component of our economy - the export of goods and services - has continued to grow strongly throughout the whole of the last five quarters 本港经济的主要组成项目商品及服务出口在过去5季连续录得强劲增长。 |
| 6. | In carrying out its mission , ustda gives emphasis to economic sectors that may benefit from u . s . exports of goods and services 美国贸易和开发署在执行使命的过程中,特别注重可能从美国出口商品和服务中受益的经济行业。 |
| 7. | The growth was mainly driven by external trade , with the net exports of goods and services contributed 5 . 2 percentage points to the overall growth . 其中,本地实质生产总值增长中, 5 . 2个百分点是由对外货物与服务净出口所推动。 |
| 8. | In addition to a high base of comparison , a number of factors point to moderating growth in both domestic demand and exports of goods and services 除了因为比较基数偏高外,尚有多项因素令本地需求及商品与服务出口的增长放缓。 |
| 9. | Moreover , the major engines of the economy are driven by exports of goods and services ( such as services related to trade or international finance ) 经济增长的主要动力来自输出商品及服务(例如与转口有关的服务和国际金融服务) 。 |
| 10. | The main thrust of this growth was a rebound in exports of goods and services , which recorded 8 . 1 percent and 10 . 2 percent real increases respectively 出口增长反弹是经济回升背后的主要动力,特别是货品及服务出口分别上升百分之八点一和十点二。 |